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The mission of the ESTS Project is to change the culture of how emergency substitute educators and the greater substitute community are supported, trained, and valued within public education. This course is a monthly series to support emergency substitute educators and certificated substitute educators in developing and refining their instructional and professional practices. Each month, the SubCollaborative will focus on a specific topic (e.g. classroom management, student engagement, high leverage instructional practices, classroom technology) aligned with ESTS Project professional development offerings to dig deeper into the selected topic and allow attendees to discuss the topic in practice with their peers in breakout groups (regional, grade level, subject matter).


SubCollaborative (15hr)

 Clock Hour
Course Description
The mission of the ESTS Project is to change the culture of how emergency substitute educators and the greater substitute community are supported, trained, and valued within public education. This course is a monthly series to support emergency substitute educators and certificated substitute educators in developing and refining their instructional and professional practices. Each month, the SubCollaborative will focus on a specific topic (e.g. classroom management, student engagement, high leverage instructional practices, classroom technology) aligned with ESTS Project professional development offerings to dig deeper into the selected topic and allow attendees to discuss the topic in practice with their peers in breakout groups (regional, grade level, subject matter).

Course Objectives

Participants will develop or strengthen their understanding of what it looks like and sounds like to be an effective substitute educator in a K-12 classroom.

Participants will understand:

1. How to use high leverage instructional practices in a variety of grade level and subject matter classrooms.

2. The relationship between student engagement, classroom management, and high leverage instructional practices.

3. How to use classroom technology in a variety of grade level and subject matter classrooms.

4. How to create and implement effective lesson plans.

SubCollaborative: December
4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
SubCollaborative: January
4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
SubCollaborative: February
4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
SubCollaborative: March
4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
SubCollaborative: April
4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
SubCollaborative: May
4:30 PM - 6:30 PM

Currently Registered: 43/200
Waitlist Limit: 0/0